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Review Etalon Forum

Controlling the micron in industry and research

The 3rd Etalon Forum took place November 3rd and 4th with over 100 paricipants from 14 countries. The event covered accuracy, compensation and monitoring of CMM and machine tools as well as challenging metrology tasks in industry and research.

Excelent presenters form Siemens, Fanuc, Heidenhain, Nuclear AMRC, WZL-Aachen, ISONORM, Etalon, PTB, Oxford University, CERN and ESO gave interesting insights in their task and solutions. The feedback of the participants was – without exeption – very positive.

The overwhelming majority confirmed that they would like to attend the next Forum again! Thank you again to all presenters and participants, it has been an outstanding experience for the Etalon team and we look forward to the next event!

This was the program



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